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Digitizing National Health Financing

Digitizing national health financing, insurance information, and management systems will deliver more accessible and affordable health care, potentially benefiting millions, particularly poor and vulnerable people.

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Streamlined Customs to Increase Central Asian Trade

It is about trading better: Central Asia sees improved trade integration, infrastructure, and systems as key to boosting economic growth, jobs, and opportunity.

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Smarter Drinking Water Systems for Booming Cities

Cities in South Asia are targeting operational efficiency as a critical factor in supplying water for the cities’ rising population against dwindling resources.

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Stopping Plastic Waste Leakage Into Oceans

The Asia and Pacific region is drowning in marine plastic pollution, endangering lives. Countries are targeting transboundary marine plastics with action plans, new technology, and innovative strategies to change community behavior.

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Big Social Protection Reforms to Drive Resilience

Shocks like the pandemic and disasters highlight why better social protection and resilience are needed to protect hard-won development gains and quicken recovery.

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Helping Poor People by Managing Flood and Erosion

Riverbank protection and embankments will help minimize erosion and mitigate floods in central Bangladesh, enabling poor people to grow their livelihoods without fear of disaster.

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Harnessing Solar Power to Secure Energy

Sunny days are ahead as Bhutan looks to power up with solar. Better regulations, cost efficiencies, and a pilot project for poor households spell more opportunities to cut poverty and grow.

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Supporting Women’s Businesses Past COVID-19

With small businesses contributing 60% of gross domestic product, Georgia’s economic growth strategy emphasizes more financing options for small businesses, especially women-owned enterprises.

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​​Taking Agriculture into the Future​

Farmers in Maharashtra will be linked to export markets and higher-value horticulture opportunities with new technologies, farming techniques, and digital and direct marketing to increase sales.

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Nature-Inspired Solutions to City Flooding

Flood mitigation, better drainage, and expanded conservation are among the nature-based solutions Chennai is using to stem rising flood waters.

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Expanding Financial Inclusion through Digital Innovations

Digital financing technology is expanding financial inclusion in Indonesia, helping to better connect women, young people, small businesses, and rural communities to economic opportunities.

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Driving Economic Growth with Better Business Environment

With abundant natural resources, a young workforce, and a large domestic market, Indonesia aims to recapture the gains of prior years and even drive more economic growth along with the country’s recovery.

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More Water for Farmers with Improved Irrigation

Indonesia’s food resilience will improve by getting more water to farmers. New irrigation reforms and systems link financing to performance in an effort to expand crops and raise farm incomes.

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Helping Vulnerable People Face Economic Headwinds

Mongolia is strengthening its resiliency to weather external shocks such as inflation that disproportionally affect poor and vulnerable groups, including women and children.

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Sowing the Seeds of Gender Equality

Recognizing that promoting economic growth is right and smart, Mongolia is making a new push for gender equality with new laws, policies, and monitoring.

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Driving Integrity in Managing Public Funds

Critical governance reforms in Nepal to improve accountability, transparency, and community involvement will deliver better services to millions.

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Opening up the North with E-35

Doubling the road to the north: a new expressway is helping Pakistan connect its people and businesses, promoting tourism and economic growth.

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Cutting Congestion, Boosting Trade

No more port gridlock. A new bridge to ease the converging of traffic in Colombo is expected to ease traffic congestion, improving connectivity and facilitating trade logistics for Sri Lanka.

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Urgent Response to a Food Crisis

Helping Sri Lanka get past soaring food prices and insecurity means swift help to poor people now, plus enhancing resilience against future shocks.

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Building Central Asia's Biggest Wind Farm

The biggest wind farm in Central Asia will soon be spinning in Uzbekistan, delivering reliable power and helping fight climate change.

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Building Central Asia's Biggest Wind Farm

The biggest wind farm in Central Asia will soon be spinning in Uzbekistan, delivering reliable power and helping fight climate change.

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Embracing Run-of-River Hydropower

With too many fossil fuel energy sources, Uzbekistan aims to be more energy- and climate change–resilient by tapping hydropower to meet its energy gap.

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Including Poor and Vulnerable People in Crisis Response and Recovery

For Vanuatu, recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and Tropical Cyclone Harold means ensuring poor and vulnerable people are not left behind.

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E-buses Drive Lower Emissions

Eco-friendly e-buses in Viet Nam are helping to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change.

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Communities Against COVID-19 and Poverty

Innovative public health approach to COVID-19 strengthens communities and civil society organizations with “whole of community” programs.

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Dealing with Pandemics Today, Preparing for Tomorrow

Upcoming upgrades in health and economic support systems will make for a pandemic-ready Asia and the Pacific.

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Mapping Better Growth for Armenia

Armenia is boosting economic opportunities with improved land record management, transparency, and tax system.

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Modernizing Power, Empowering Women

The Electric Networks of Armenia is creating a more gender-equitable work environment, while ensuring reliable power supply across the country.

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Clean and Stable Water for Dhaka

Nearly 30 million people in Dhaka to get clean drinking water with new water treatment facilities along the Meghna River.

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Is Cambodian Rice Ready for the World Market?

Better farm infrastructure and management will support farmers to produce high-quality Cambodian rice for international export.

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Reviving Cook Islands' Tourism Industry

Geographically and economically remote Cook Islands to get critical support for vulnerable communities and policy reforms to boost post-COVID-19 recovery.

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Public Sector Reforms Support Private Sector–Led Growth

Public sector and fiscal reforms in Fiji are boosting private sector confidence in driving economic growth.

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All Aboard! New Rail Lines to Ease Bengaluru Congestion

For booming Bengaluru, two new metro rail lines will reduce congestion, cut costs for nearly a million commuters.

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More Hospitals for Mothers and Children

The expansion of the Hermina chain of maternity and children’s hospitals will cut the high rates of maternal and infant mortality across Indonesia.

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Tackling the Solid Waste Management Challenge in Maldives

Maldives’s new waste-to-energy facility is cleaning up core tourism and delivering critical power to the islands.

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Charging Up Nepal to Reduce Poverty and Expand Inclusivity

Nepal expands and improves its power supply and distribution for inclusive economic growth.

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Pest-Proof, Climate-Ready, Resilient Agriculture

Climate-ready technologies will help farmers fight locust infestations and increase the resilience of Pakistan’s agriculture.

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Inclusive COVID-19 Recovery in Palau

Women and vulnerable groups in Palau affected by COVID-19 are getting the social, financial, and welfare support they need.

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Ensuring a Better Life Along the River

Communities along the Miluo River will soon have a safer, more secure, and greener river environment.

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Getting Education Back on Track

New digital content and distance learning program aim to boost remote “last-mile” schools suffering from reduced enrollment linked to COVID-19.

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Expanding Hydropower in Samoa

By reviving cyclone-damaged hydropower plants and building new ones, Samoa will be less dependent on fossil fuel imports.

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Turning on the Tap in Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands’s upgraded water system will provide clean water, better sanitation, and protection from water-borne diseases.

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Strong Secondary School Systems for Sustainable Growth

A strong and sustainable secondary system will help Nepal achieve its economic and development goals. The government is working closely with ADB and its financing partners to improve access to and quality of secondary education, beginning with competitive curricula, scholarships for poor students, and pilot-testing model secondary schools.

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Improving Value Chains to Boost Agriculture

Cambodia’s agriculture sector, which supports its large rural and farming population, is getting support from ADB and its financing partners in strengthening its agriculture value chains. Starting with agricultural commodities with a high potential for enhancing competitiveness in select provinces, the project envisions stronger agricultural post-harvest services for its piloted tens of thousands of farming households and agribusinesses.

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Smart Air Conditioning Against COVID-19

ADB is piloting a clean and smart centralized air-conditioning system that can reduce energy consumption and contain indoor virus transmission, including COVID-19. The pilot aims to promote health-resilient clean energy development in the region through the Clean Energy Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility and the High-Level Technology Fund.

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Resiliency through Integrated Water Management

By holistically pursuing rural development, the Water Resources Management Sector Development Program has not only helped reduce poverty in rural Cambodia; it has also made water agencies and farmer communities resilient to climate change and natural disasters.

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Solar Power for a Greener Energy Sector

Maldives is poised to become a model for green energy systems through a project now transforming their diesel-fueled electric grids into a hybrid renewable energy power system.

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Reducing Poverty by Empowering the Farmers

ADB, along with the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the Government of Finland, has been helping reduce poverty in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Basin. Through the organization of livelihood improvement groups and the rehabilitation of road and agricultural facilities, they have increased farmers’ access to quality farm inputs including rice seeds, extension materials, training, finance, and better marketing schemes.

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More Power from Private Sector Partners

Private sector partners are stepping in to assist Bangladesh in addressing its persistent power problems. Reliance Bangladesh LNG and Power Limited, through cofinancing from ADB and the Leading Asia’s Private Infrastructure Fund, is constructing a natural gas–fired power plant that will help solve the chronic energy shortage in the country.

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Outpacing Disasters and Pandemics to Support Economic Resilience

ADB and the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction are helping developing members respond better to disaster-induced economic shocks. This, by putting in place a system to collect and track real-time economic data in times of disasters, pandemics, and other extreme events. Acquiring “nowcasting” capacity will help developing members come up with appropriate policies to protect the gains of their economic growths and efforts to reduce poverty in the region.

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Increasing Women's Participation in Forest Restoration

The forest is life to the residents of Kapuas Hulu and Sintang districts of West Kalimantan province, Indonesia. They are the second and third largest state forest areas of the province, and about 63% of their communities rely on the forest for livelihood. Many of the residents are poor with an average daily income of $1.71.

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A Single Window System for Efficient Cross-Border Trade

ADB and the High-Level Technology Fund are supporting Maldives in the implementation of its national single window, an ICT-supported platform to improve the country’s cross-border regulatory procedures. The single window system will equip Maldives with trade facilitation tools to help improve the country’s trade climate and expand transactions with its trading partners.

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Sponge Cities to Take On COVID-19 and Climate Change

Water-stressed cities need to find more sustainable ways to use water to survive both the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. In the People’s Republic of China, ADB and the Shenzhen Water (Group) Co., Ltd. have teamed up to support the development of water-efficient sponge cities through investments in climate-resilient infrastructure and smart water management.

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