Global Partnership for Education Fund

Global Partnership for Education Fund


  • Project-Specific Cofinancing $143.1 million

    The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a multi-stakeholder partnership and funding platform that galvanizes global and national support for education in developing countries. It was established in 2002 to help ensure that every child has access to quality education, especially the poorest and the most vulnerable. GPE’s focus areas are the following:

    • children with disabilities
    • early childhood care and education
    • girls’ education and gender equality
    • out-of-school children
    • countries affected by fragility and conflict
    • development effectiveness
    • teaching and learning
    • knowledge and innovation exchange


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    21 May 2015

    ADB Approves Additional Loan to Boost Primary Education in Bangladesh

    ADB has approved additional funding to improve the quality and reach of primary education in Bangladesh. The loan will be complemented by cofinancing from the European Union, the Global Partnership for Education, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and the World Bank.


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      Model Schools Improve Quality of Public Education

      ADB is working with the Government of Nepal and other development partners to ensure quality education for children through the model school program. Model schools particularly focus on revamping how subjects such as science, mathematics, and English are taught, as students attending community schools are traditionally weak in these subjects.

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      Keeping the Kids in Primary School

      Primary school enrollment and completion rates in Bangladesh have increased in the last 20 years. Bangladesh’s Primary Education Development Program introduced innovative approaches that changed the face of basic education in the country—from the adoption of multimedia, reward schemes to encourage kids to stay in school, and teacher training, among others.

      Project Map