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Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance

Year Established




Cumulative Contributions Committed

$19.3 million

Project Commitments

Technical Assistance

$13.7 million for 30 TA projects

The Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance or TAGF-SPA is a single-donor trust fund that finances technical assistance (TA) operations in ADB’s developing member countries. Sectors supported by the fund are energy (renewable energy), urban development, water and sanitation, flood management, finance, and transport, particularly railways. It finances project preparation, advisory services, and project implementation.

The trust fund approved funding for three TA projects amounting to $2 million in 2023.


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17 Dec 2021

New ADB Facility to Help Southeast Asia Revive Tourism and Boost Sustainable, Inclusive Investments

ADB set up a $1.7 million technical assistance (TA) facility to accelerate Southeast Asia’s tourism recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic; boost inclusive, sustainable development in the sector; and help local tourism entrepreneurs, especially women and youth, adopt digital platforms to grow their businesses. Spain contributed $500,000 to the TA facility through the Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance.

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25 Nov 2021

$161 Million ADB Loan to Improve Wastewater Management in Uzbekistan

ADB approved a $161 million loan to help develop an integrated wastewater management system in Tashkent province in Uzbekistan that will improve access to reliable water supply and sanitation services. A technical assistance grant with cofinancing from the Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance helps implement institutional reforms and capacity building.


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    The Lao PDR Weaves a Renewable Energy Future

    ADB and the governments of Australia and Spain have supported the development of national guidelines on river basin planning and helped the National University of Laos start a bachelor’s degree program in integrated water resources management that now graduates about 30 students a year.

    Project Map