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Project Preparation and Implementation Support Trust Fund

Year Established


Cumulative Contributions Committed

$3 million

Project Commitments

Technical Assistance

$1.1 million for 2 TA projects

The Project Preparation and Implementation Support Trust Fund (PPISTF) is a single-donor trust fund that provides technical assistance grants for project preparation to nonsovereign and sovereign operations. The fund helps build a pipeline of well-prepared and technically sound investment projects and achieve full and timely project results for intended beneficiaries. It supports project readiness activities aimed to improve project preparation, including design and procurement readiness; helps developing member countries build a pipeline of well-prepared and technically and financially sound projects; and reduces start-up and implementation delays so that expected results are fully achieved on time.


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21 Jun 2022

ADB and the OPEC Fund Launch Trust Fund to Improve Project Readiness in Developing Countries

The Project Preparation and Implementation Support Trust Fund (PPISTF) was launched in June 2022 in Vienna, Austria. The OPEC Fund for International Development committed $3 million to the PPISTF.

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