Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology
Year Established
Cumulative Contributions Committed
$10.7 million
Project Commitments
$11.9 million for 14 projects
Technical Assistance
$750,000 for 1 TA project
The Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology (JFICT) helps harness the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) and bridge the growing digital divide in Asia and the Pacific. The fund supports ICT-related activities that promote poverty reduction, encourage private sector participation in ICT development, and improve regional and international cooperation through ICT applications. The fund aligns with ADB’s strategic approach to ICT, which recognizes ADB’s limited financial and human resources and consists of three strategic thrusts: creating an enabling environment, building human resources, and developing ICT applications and information content.
1 Jul 2020
ADB's $30 Million Grant to Support Labor Migrants, Youth, and Women in Tajikistan
ADB approved a $30 million grant to Tajikistan to strengthen the skills of the country’s youth, women, and labor migrants to improve their employability and wages, and enhance the capacity of employment and migration agencies. The grant is accompanied by an additional $1.5 million grant from the Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology, to be administered by ADB.