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Cooperation Fund for Project Preparation in the Greater Mekong Subregion and in Other Specific Asian Countries

Year Established


Cumulative Contributions Committed

$10.8 million

Project Commitments

Technical Assistance

$10 million for 21 TA projects

The Cooperation Fund for Project Preparation in the Greater Mekong Subregion and in Other Specific Asian Countries (AFD GMS) is a single-donor trust fund established in partnership with the Agence Française de Développement in 2004. The fund focuses on planning, financing, and implementing operations to help increase resource flows, assist with trade facilitation, disseminate new technology, and enrich networking expertise in the Greater Mekong Subregion. It specifically focuses on implementing high-priority subregional projects in transport, energy, telecommunications, environment, human resource development, tourism, trade facilitation, private sector investment, and agriculture.

The trust fund approved funding for three project preparatory technical assistance amounting to $1.6 million in 2023.


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Myanmar* City Goes Green with Modern Urban Services

*Effective 1 February 2021, ADB placed a temporary hold on sovereign project disbursements and new contracts in Myanmar.

Modern water supply and wastewater treatment services are paving the way for the transformation of the city of Mandalay in upper Myanmar into a prosperous, green urban center. ADB and Agence Française de Développement will support the project.

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Toward a Green Mandalay*

*Effective 1 February 2021, ADB placed a temporary hold on sovereign project disbursements and new contracts in Myanmar.

The Mandalay Urban Services Improvement Project will substantially improve the environment and public health conditions toward creating a clean and prosperous green city by 2040. ADB and the Agence Française de Développement will finance the project.

Project Map