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Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific

Year Established


Cumulative Contributions Committed

$35 million

The Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific (IF-CAP) is a strategic initiative to mobilize climate finance at scale and accelerate climate action in Asia and the Pacific. It features a pioneering guarantee mechanism, which will enhance ADB’s lending capacity through financial leverage and enable ADB to make more resources available for investments in climate mitigation and adaptation across the region. Projections show that a $1 contribution for guarantees from financing partners could facilitate $4 to $5 of new ADB climate loans. IF-CAP will also provide traditional grants to support project preparation, capacity building, and knowledge sharing. IF-CAP is a financing partnership facility that will comprise multi-donor trust funds, single-donor trust funds, bilateral guarantees and risk participations, and other partnerships.

The ADB Board of Directors approved the IF-CAP Financing Partnership Facility in April 2023. This was launched at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Incheon, with the governments of Denmark, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States expressing support. Negotiations are ongoing to finalize the participation of IF-CAP’s financing partners.

Following the announcement of a $35 million contribution by the philanthropy Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) to ADB to support shared energy and climate change priorities, the GEAPP Energy Access and Transition Trust Fund was established under the IF-CAP Financing Partnership Facility in June 2023.

Trust Funds

GEAPP Energy Access and Transition Trust Fund

Year Established2023
Cumulative Contributions Committed$35 million
Project Commitments
Technical Assistance$2 million for 2 TA projects

The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) Energy Access and Transition Trust Fund (GEATTF) is an autonomous single-donor trust fund established in 2023 under the Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific Financing Partnership Facility. The fund will provide grants and concessional finance to support ADB’s developing member countries in combating climate change, accelerating the transition to clean energy, and ending energy poverty.


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2 May 2023

ADB Announces IF-CAP, New Program to Accelerate Billions in Climate Change Financing

ADB announced the Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific, a landmark program that could significantly ramp up support for the region in the battle against climate change.

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14 Apr 2023

ADB, GEAPP Announce $35 Million for Energy Access and Transition for South and Southeast Asia

ADB joined the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet to announce $35 million to help boost energy access and the energy transition in South and Southeast Asia.


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    How IF-CAP Will Accelerate Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific

    ADB is spearheading the Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific to help the region reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience to the impacts of climate change. IF-CAP will use guarantees from partners to accelerate billions of dollars of climate change investment—the first time any multilateral development bank has adopted a program of this kind.

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    What Is IF-CAP? How ADB Is Launching a New Era in Climate Finance

    In a new episode of ADB Insight, ADB Climate Envoy Warren Evans discusses the Innovative Finance Facility for Climate in Asia and the Pacific, a groundbreaking program that could accelerate billions of dollars in much-needed climate change investment.

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